Why Everyone Should Wear A Knee Brace
Christy Vutam | March 1, 2014Remember when something weird happened with my knee back in August? Welp, guess what? I tore my anterior cruciate ligament.
Yes. That’s right. I tore my ACL.
For whatever reason, I can still play tennis. I mean, come on. It’s gotta be a pretty, pretty darn big deal for me not to play tennis, amirightoramiright?
What? Is tearing one’s ACL a big deal or something?
Remarkably, I’ve never had to stop playing tennis in all that time. The only thing that would happen is once a tennis outing, I would twist on my knee oddly and experience sharp pain. After taking a minute to walk it out, I would go right back to playing without any more incident the remainder of the match.
I don’t know how I’m still able to play tennis while other people aren’t as fortunate after ACL tears – my sister has admonished me about continuing to play so much, something about adrenaline numbing the pain…except there is no pain, I promise! – but I’ll probably end up tearing something else knee-related and will definitely need to have surgery then so it’s really all the same in the end. Is how the logic goes in my head.
To prolong the time till the inevitable knee explosion, I am now wearing a custom-fitted knee brace.