Tennis Tournament Fun #1: I Was PROMISED…
Christy Vutam | January 7, 2015I’ve decided to start playing tennis tournaments this year. A coach said playing more meaningful matches would help make me a better player and I pretty much do what coaches tell me to do if it means I get better.
Well that and I finally feel comfortable enough with my tennis game where I’m pretty sure I won’t be blown out by most opponents in the first round and it’ll actually be worth it to pay the exorbitant entry fees (for me that would be any dollar amount over $5) that sometimes only guarantees me one match in an event.
For those not in the know, a tennis tournament typically offers multiple events players can enter into (singles, doubles, mixed doubles, etc.), and each event requires its own entry fee.
In the first tournament I played in to kick start this tournament journey, it proudly said on the website “You spoke, we listened” (the bold is all them) and that it was changing its consolation rules. No more consolation for any doubles events because a survey was sent out and “62% were in favor of eliminating consolation brackets in doubles in order to allow a player to register for two doubles events.”
I feel like those 62% don’t understand basic math…but the people running the tournament sure do!