If You Can’t Join Them, Beat Them
Christy Vutam | April 6, 2014Here’s the best part about being the captain of a 4.5 USTA team: after playing a non-USTA team tennis league match against strangers who were well on their way to steamrolling my behind before my partner stepped in, placed me on her back while I’m kicking and screaming, and dragged both of us across the finish line to victory, I will, of course, ask those opponents, “Would you be interested in playing on my USTA team?”
Their response: “I’m a 4.5…um…is this a 4.5 team?”
That’s fun. Tennis is fun. Everyone should experience how much fun tennis is.
Speaking of which, I am actually captaining a 4.0 USTA team in addition to the 4.5 one this summer.
*Music screeches to a halt*
No. No, I can’t play on the team. I mean, not this summer, anyway. When mid-year ratings come out though, I should be…
Yes, that’s right. I’m just captaining a tennis team…that I can’t play on.
What? Is that, like, not a usual thing people do or something? Huh. Oh! So sorry for my rudeness. We haven’t been properly introduced, yet…
Hi, I’m Christy!